Medical Genomics offers a wide choice of DNA molecular weight ladders
and plasmid and phage DNA preparations. Our current price list can be downloaded below. You
Adobe® Acrobat Reader® to view the file.
Biochemicals and Ladders price list - 2004 |
DNA preparations
Preparation |
Cat. # |
μg |
DNA phage lambda (dam-, dcm-) |
D10 |
500 |
DNA phage lambda |
D11 |
500 |
DNA phage T7 |
D02 |
500 |
DNA pBR322 |
D03 |
50 |
D04 |
250 |
DNA pUC19 |
D05 |
50 |
D06 |
250 |
DNA molecular weight markers
Preparation |
Cat.# |
μg |
Lambda DNA/HindIII |
M01 |
100 |
M02 |
500 |
Lambda DNA/Bme18I(AvaII) |
M03 |
100 |
M04 |
500 |
Lambda DNA/BssT1I(StyI) |
M05 |
100 |
M06 |
500 |
Lambda DNA/BglI |
M17 |
100 |
M18 |
500 |
pUC19/MspI |
M07 |
50 |
M08 |
250 |
pUC19/Kzo9I |
M13 |
50 |
M14 |
250 |
pBR322/AluI |
M19 |
50 |
M20 |
250 |
pBR322/BsuRI |
M21 |
50 |
M22 |
250 |
1 Kb DNA Ladder |
M11 |
50 |
M12 |
250 |
100 bp DNA Ladder |
M15 |
50 |
M16 |
250 |
100 bp+1.5 Kb DNA Ladder |
M23 |
50 |
M24 |
250 |
